which one of these solution you choose for you problem ?

how to use protein powder for weight loss

Here is why you need protein to lose weight. Protein is an 
important component for a more well-rounded. Protein promotes good health and at the same time makes an overall healthy person. Protein helps to build energy and strength, as well as being able to improve daily bodily functions. Muscle, heart, circulation and brain function are attributed to protein intake every day.

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Honey and Lemon for Weight Loss

The modern American diet packaged and processed foods overweight contributes to an increase in the number of overweight people --- makes you more prone to diabetes, honey diet high blood pressure, arthritis and liver. Honey and lemon juice diet is to promote an old recipe for weight loss. A natural remedy for weight loss is to mix 1 its. honey diet Raw honey, 2 tbs. Lemon juice and hot water. 

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What is yoga?

What is yoga?

Yoga is essentially a method, a discipline of self-control that will use include physical exercises. Traditionally, yoga is defined as the ability to focus completely and quietly mental activity in a selected direction. Its main effect is the gradual change in the way we live, how to act in everyday life. Yoga allows access and gradually a large internal stability and acquire great skill in action. It is a means of personal development.
Although originally from India, Yoga is universal. Yoga is not a religion or a doctrine. This discipline is accessible to everyone regardless of personal beliefs and ideologies. It is above all a way of personal development.

Posture or asana

Yoga is a method where there is at the base of physical postures or exercises, which suited the needs of the practitioner, preserves health.
The practice of postures stimulates the digestive fire, removes toxins, brings strength and flexibility.

Breathing or pranayama

Breathing is a very important component in the practice of yoga. In everyday life, we are unaware of our breathing.
By attention directed breathing and the use of different techniques of pranayama, you will be able to develop, in parallel, mental focus and calm the mind.
Practiced in this way, posture and breathing have a powerful, profound and lasting action. This is a great method to acquire great dynamism and excellent fitness combined with the serenity of the mind.


Relaxation leads to a significant reduction in muscle tension but also external and internal disturbances.
A well-guided and connected to a breathing quality relaxation will bring great peace to the practitioner but also will allow them to discover themselves both physically and mentally.

Relaxation can help restore restful sleep, removing excessive tension, take a detachment from a difficult situation .
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The most effective exercise to lose weight, aerobic or resistance training?

I get this question a lot, so it makes sense to write an article about it. To answer this question, we need more than one item, but we will try to cover the basics in the next lines.

With diet, what you eat, exercise is the most important part of your weight loss plan. Most people concentrate diet or exercise, but I think they are equally important for a healthy lifestyle, fitness, lose and maintain weight loss. So what is the most effective exercise to lose weight? Well, to answer this question, look at the two types of exercise routines if we're all on the same page.

The first is resistance training, and this is just lifting weights, and the involvement of different muscle groups to highlight below, so that not only make you stronger, more flexible, but will grow, and I'm not talking about the construction of growth body type. Most people, especially women, if they do not want to lift the weight, and do not want to be a man or develop large muscles. Believe me, to get to this level, you have to lift a heck of a lot of weight and eat a heck of a lot of protein. We are talking about toning.

Resistance training is important because it forces the muscles to burn more fat for energy, which increases your metabolism and your body becomes more efficient at burning fat. So, this type of exercise is essential for weight loss. Apart from the aspect of weight loss, studies show that weight training strengthens bones and prevents osteoporosis or bone weakening or loss of bone mass. Means better muscle tone less injuries training and health benefits goes on and on.

What aerobics? This is the second type of work you're talking about. Aerobic exercise is the process of increasing the heart rate of 15-20 minutes maintaining efforts to increase oxygen levels in the blood and fat burning to increase the supply of energy to support the effort. If it went over your head and then look at it this way, if you jog around the block 15 to 22 minutes increases the heart rate and your body will need more oxygen to increase the energy required, the force the body to draw more air (hence the deep breathing) more oxygen in the blood means more fat can be metabolized and burned burn fat and that's what we want.

Again, aerobics has many health benefits such as cholesterol, which increases the release of endorphins, which gives you a feeling of well-being and reduces the risk of depression, helps with insomnia, and be a benefit to the overall health of the entire body.

Having said all that, exercise routine is the best? Is weight training or aerobics? You guessed my answer, both are equally important.

They are so powerful in weight loss and to maintain that then imagine if you combine your training? To make the most of making at least 35 minutes of cardio or aerobic activity per day, and may take the form of swimming, running, cycling, walking, rollerblading, tennis, racquetball or training DVD. The important thing is to ensure that is maintained for at least 25-35 minutes.

for resistance training training or your weight can make some pumps, pumps, squats, bench press, push-ups or you can do a circuit training several muscle groups in style in a time of 45 minutes. The goal is to put your muscles under pressure and then push to develop, which requires changing the weight and increase the intensity over time.

So there you have it, combine both types of exercise into your weight loss plan and watch the weight melt.

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how much water to drink for weight loss

Is there a link between water and weight loss? Yes it has been scientifically proven. Drink water to lose weight during and especially after a meal can send a message to the brain. It is this information that tells your brain that you have eaten enough.

Water can help the absorption of vitamins and minerals in our diet.

For example, the fat needs water to be broken down and used by the body.

It also helps the body to eliminate waste and toxins to maintain optimal health.

"How much water should you drink a day? You say "Me.
It is advisable to drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day. Moreover, only if the days are hot.
Divide your intake throughout the day.

Bottled water is not necessary, you can drink the tap water is perfectly safe in most areas. If you prefer bottled water, avoid flavored waters. These waters contain SWEETENERS (E951 aspartame, acesulfame K E950, E952 cyclamate, saccharin E954) which do not contribute to weight loss and are being HIGHLY SUSPECTED CAUSE CANCER.

Not drinking enough can cause you to get into a lethargic and confused state.
Your body may have trouble interpreted your sense of thirst while that hunger is extremely well (to our regret sometimes).
In fact when you start to feel thirsty it is too late your body is already dehydrated (lightly, I assure you). That is why it is advisable to drink regularly throughout the day.
Drink water to lose weight will not allow you to win the battle between you and your weight.

You need to make changes in your diet and physical activity.
For a well, a minimum of 20 minutes of exercise per day.
Whether walking, biking, swimming or to exercise at the gym, regardless of the time you are exercising.

Keep one thing in mind, that this activity is not daunting to choose one that you like and ask your friends to accompany you, it's more fun and motivating.

Do not forget the little things like taking the stairs instead of elevators, remain standing in the bus / subway is off one stop before yours.

It is useless to drink a lot of water and get plenty of exercise if you eat fast foods or dishes prepared daily.
You probably know but the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables is what is best.

Drink water to lose weight will also give you a glowing skin and your friends ask you all, what you have changed.
You will be proud of you! It is a feeling of profound well-being.

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how to use chia seeds for weight loss

Perhaps you know of chia seeds most of these new chia pet growing green lose weight "hair" their seeds grow. But increasingly, chia seeds are beginning to be known and appreciated for their amazing nutritional benefits lose weight. These very small, edible, crunchy seeds are from a desert plant called Salvia Hispanic ... a member of the mint family. It grows abundantly in southern Mexico but now poses as a commercial crop in other countries as well.

Chia seeds are one of the super-real nature,lose weight even if not yet know exactly how much power-packed it is. Know that:

chia seeds, according to research studies Chia seeds weight loss, lose weight contains 60 percent polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids ... more than any other cash crop.

Chia also contains more protein by Chia seeds weight loss than any other food grain lose weight... as high as 23 percent. And chia is also a complete protein, meaning it contains all essential amino acids.

If you try to include more fiber in your diet, do not overlook chia lose weight, as it can easily help you achieve 35 grams of fiber per day.

In addition to all this, chia contains nearly five times the calcium of milk, twice the potassium of bananas, and three times the antioxidants in blueberries. Its high antioxidant content also helps to store seeds for long periods without risk of spoiling them or rancidity.

But it is helping to manage the appetite ... Chia weight loss and therefore lose weight ... that chia seeds are true nutritional superstars. Why? Because when added to water, under chia gel forms in minutes. Once consumed, this gel can slow down the body convert carbohydrates into sugars. And as the seeds develop into a gel,Chia weight loss they produce a feeling of fullness. This helps control hunger, which, of course, it is easier to eat less.

With a slight nutty flavor,Chia seeds weight loss chia seeds boost nutrition smoothies, lose weight salads, cereals, baked goods or other foods or recipes for which they are added. And unlike flax seeds, chia seeds do not have first be ground to release their nutrients and make them available.
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How to relieve aches, pains and muscle disorders, with plants?

Some of us have benefited from summer to get back to sports holiday.

 If you are part of those who have instead preferred to enjoy their holidays to win nothing and letting go, September has been the occasion for many make resolutions again practicing their favorite sport.

But beware related to violent and unprepared sports recovery disorders, muscle damage can be significant

Fight against inflammation

If inflammation is present, the first step that is needed is to provide your muscles the rest they deserve. Meanwhile, the ice will reduce inflammation. Wrap ice in a cloth and apply ice to the painful area for about twenty minutes.

At this stage, several options are available:





But there are also other solutions, I called remedies grandmother's home remedies herbal or traditional medicines, which are equally effective relief without side effects.

To relieve pain and muscle défatiguer three plants will help.

1. chamomile

2. laurel

3. willow

Here is the solution:

- Made a decoction of Roman chamomile and drink with honey every four hours.

Its anti-inflammatory action in the muscles and due to its essential oil

- Pour into your bath, two to three liters of decoction laurel sauce to relax your aching muscles and relieve their pain through its tannins and its active ingredients.

- When the white willow bark, it will drink several times a day to get a significant result. its anti-inflammatory properties are due to its tannins.

  But be careful not mistaken diagnosis, because these muscle cramps can be the first signs of an infectious disease.

- Last tip but not least: Mix the garlic and olive oil and massage it on the painful areas. Not no joke, try it is very effective!

You now have natural solutions to relieve your muscle disorders through these three plants for therapeutic purposes which are:

-Roman chamomile,

-laurel sauce,

-The white willow bark

Any questions I `m just leave me a question that will be answered .
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